University of California, San Diego:
Michael C Orr, Keng-Lou James Hung, Erin E W Rankin, Patricia M Simpson, Douglas Yanega, Ashley Y Kim, and John S Ascher. Scientific note: First mainland records of an unusual island bee (Anthophora urbana clementina) highlight the value of community science for adventive species detection and monitoring. Apidologie, 54(5), 46. (2023).
Ashley Y Kim, Aura Velazquez, Belen Saavedra, Benjamin Smarr, and James C Nieh. Exposure to Constant Artificial Light Alters Honey Bee Sleep Rhythms and Disrupts Sleep. Scientific Reports 14 (1): 25865 (2024).
University of California, Riverside:
Ashley Y Kim, Rankin, David T Rankin & Erin E W Rankin, What is that smell? Hummingbirds avoid foraging on resources with defensive insect compounds. Behav Ecol Sociobiol 75, 132 (2021).
California Academy of Sciences:
Ashley Y Kim, Samantha A Donohoo, and Terrence M Gosliner. Stirring up the Muck: The Systematics of Soft-Sediment Fionidae (Nudibranchia: Aeolidina) from the Tropical Indo-Pacific. PeerJ 12 (December):e18517 (2024).
University of California, Davis
Marshall S Mcmunn, Louie H Yang, Amy Ansalmo, Keatyn Bucknam, Miles Claret, Cameron Clay, Kyle Cox, Darian R Dungey, Asia Jones, Ashley Y Kim, Robert Kubacki, Rachel Le, Deniss Martinez, Brian Reynolds, John Schroder, Emily Wood. Artificial Light Increases Local Predator Abundance, Predation Rates, and Herbivory, Environmental Entomology (2019). Â
University of California, Berkeley:
Robert A Van Steenwyk, Jaimie Choi, Ashley Y Kim, Control of Walnut Husk Fly in Walnut. Arthropod Management Tests, Volume 44, Issue 1 (2019).